
Thursday, November 1, 2018

Create Login Window in C# Step by step Using Sql Server

12:26 PM 1
Create Login Window in C# Step by step Using Sql Server

++CODE++ using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace proj { public partial class Form1: Form { SqlConnection gObjConn; SqlCommand gObjcmd; SqlDataAdapter gObjAdpt; DataSet gObjDs; string gsSqlQuery = ""; string gsConnStr = ""; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { gsConnStr = @"Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=reg;Data Source=AVINASH\SQLEXPRESS"; } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { gObjConn = new SqlConnection(gsConnStr); gObjConn.Open(); gsSqlQuery = "Select UserName from Login_user where UserName='" + textBox1.Text + "' and Password='" + textBox2.Text + "'"; gObjcmd = new SqlCommand(gsSqlQuery, gObjConn); gObjcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); gObjAdpt = new SqlDataAdapter(gObjcmd); gObjDs = new DataSet(); gObjAdpt.Fill(gObjDs); if (gObjDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count (grather than sign use)0) { MessageBox.Show("Valid username or password"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid username or password"); } } } }


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Social Networking Project in PHP

9:35 AM 1
Social Networking Project in PHP
Social Networking Website is a project developed by procedural PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, and Ajax. This application is based on web application and develop with procedural PHP, MySQL database, Ajax, data tables plugins, and bootstrap. It is web-based social networking software.

This Website is designed by keeping in view that the students who visit the site get all the information about exams related documents.

This Website is developed with an aim to give accurate and immediate information whenever required in the very short span of time.

This website mainly provides all the information about the examination.
It also contains the online registration form so that people can join our website.

The primary objective of this website is:

1.  Provide complete information about the exams document.

2.  Students can view syllabus, notes, previous years question bank and semester results.

3.  It reduces the time consumption.


  •  PHP
  • Web Server (Recommended: Apache with PHP and Mysqli) 


  • Add Question Bank,Notice Syllabus,Quiz.
  • Remove the user post and User profile

  • View of a total number post.
  • View Question Bank, Notice Syllabus.
  • Add and update profile information.
  • Like and Comment on Friend Posts.
  • Privately Chat with Friend and Teachers.
  • Change Profile Picture
  • Change Password.
  • Play Online Quiz Exam.  


Stock Management Software with PHP

9:34 AM 0
Stock Management Software with PHP
 Online stock Management Software is an open source project developed by procedural PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, and jquery. This application is based on web application and develop with procedural PHP, MySQL database, jquery, data tables plugins, and bootstrap. This application provides the users to manage brands, category, product, orders, and report. This system provides the best stock management software features. This system can be also used for small business. It is free web-based stock management software.

In brands page, the admin can add, update, and remove the brand’s information. In the product section, the admin can add the product information and manage the stock. In the order section, the application will manage the stock of the product and generates the total amount of payment to be pay by the client. The application can also generate the orders report on based on the month you select.


  • PHP Version +5.4.4
  • Web Server (Recommended: Apache with PHP and Mysqli )


  • View of a total number of brands, categories, product, and orders.
  • Add, update, and remove brands information.
  • Add, update, and remove categories information.
  • Add, update, and remove product details.
  • Add, update, and remove orders details.
  • Print orders invoice.
  • Update orders payment.
  • Generate the orders report by selecting a specific start and end date.
  • Change Password
  • Change Username


  • Admin
    • Username: admin
    • password: password


Change the GST

To change the vat number, all you have to do is go to the order.js file which is located at [custom/js/order.js] and search for sub Amount function. In the line of 555, you will see the GSTvariable, change the GST number that you desired. To change the vat number in the front end of the application, go to orders.php and at the line of 369, you will see the GST label, change it the number you desire.

Download Online Stock Management System

Please Read:
While creating the database for this system, either you can create the name of the database as a stock or change the name at the php_action/db_connect.php file. As shown below:







School Management System With PHP

9:27 AM 1
 School Management System  With PHP

School Management System, is an open source project for people who want to grab the core idea of the data processor within the system. As well as, you can practice this system for the assignments too. Though, if you want to use it on the online project then I highly recommend implementing the PHP security. Since we just wanted to provide this system as a platform for beginners or intermediate programmer to study and learn how the data process from the front end to the back end in the system. 

This system is built with Code Igniter – PHP framework, bootstrap, and jquery. This system, School Management System, is based on the Web Application. It provides advanced functionality to run the daily basic requirement for the school program. The system can be manipulated by one user as an admin. 

This application, there are some dependencies you will need to understand. For example, you want to add the section for a class. Without class information, the section information cannot be added to the system. Similarly, these concepts apply to the subject, student, and etc. Without any class and section, the subject, and student information cannot be created by the system. 

Please read the below instruction to run the application on your system without any difficulties. There are few changes required in the source code to run the application. So Please follow the steps carefully.


  • Admin

  • Username: admin
  • password: password


  • Manage Class
    • Add class information
    • View, Update and remove class information 
  •  Manage Section

    • Add section information
    • View, Update and remove section information
  • Manage Subject
    • Add section information
    • View, Update and remove section information
  • Manage Student
    • Add a single student information
    • Add bulk student information
    • View, Update and remove student information
  • Manage Teachers
    • Add teacher information
    • View, Update and remove teacher information
  • Manage Attendance
    • Add Teacher and Student attendance information
    • View, Update and Remove teacher and student attendance information
  • Manage Mark sheet
    • Add, View, Update, and Remove mark sheet name information
    • Add, View, Update, and Remove student obtained marks into the mark sheet
  • Manage Accounting
    • Add Student Payment Information
    • View, Update and Remove student payment information
    • Add, View, Update, and Remove expenses information
    • View Income information
  • Change Password
  • Change Username


  • PHP
  • Web Server (Recommended: Apache with PHP and Mysql )

Changing Port No

No need to worry. This is just a small task. All you need to do is:

Step 1: Go to the application > config > config.php as shown below.

After that go to base_url, and change or delete the port no as shown in below code:

$config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost/sms/index.php/';

Download School Management System

Please Read:
To run this system, you need to create a database in the phpMyAdmin. Either you can create a database namely SMS or something else. If you have a database name something else then, you have to change it in the source code. To change the database name in the source code.
Step 1: Go to the application > config > Database.php file.

Step 2: You will see the database name in the $db array. Change the name of the database whatever you desired. As shown below:

$db['default'] = array(
 'dsn' => '',
 'hostname' => 'localhost',
 'username' => 'root',
 'password' => '',
 'database' => 'sms',
 'dbdriver' => 'mysqli',
 'dbprefix' => '',
 'pconnect' => FALSE,
 'db_debug' => (ENVIRONMENT !== 'production'),
 'cache_on' => FALSE,
 'cachedir' => '',
 'char_set' => 'utf8',
 'dbcollat' => 'utf8_general_ci',
 'swap_pre' => '',
 'encrypt' => FALSE,
 'compress' => FALSE,
 'stricton' => FALSE,
 'failover' => array(),
 'save_queries' => TRUE